Who can turn the world on with her smile?
Who can take a nothing day, and suddenly make it all seem worthwhile?
Well it's you girl, and you should know it
With each glance and every little movement you show it
Love is all around, no need to waste it
You can have a town, why don't you take it
You're gonna make it after all
You're gonna make it after all
“Love is all around” lyrics by Sonny Curtis
My three wishes: growing permaculture food forest (no longer feasible, but see http://crosscut.com/2012/02/16/agriculture/21892/Nation-s-largest-public-Food-Forest-takes-root-on-Beacon-Hill/), cultivating “wild” medicinal herbs and incorporating universal design principles to make edible gardening more accessible to persons of all abilities.
The Free Farm to be saved by endangered rodent?
In addition to expanding our gardening activities, including improving our documentation (labeling, mapping, adding more details in our seed propagation and planting logs), our discussion included the following:
1. Page plans to document wildlife found in The Free Farm: flycatchers, peregrine falcons, hawks, hummingbirds, etc. Tree mentioned that one volunteer recognized a mouse on site that may be of an endangered species. Beekeeper Pam noted The Free Farm might be saved by that mouse because land development is not allowed within 5,000 feet of an endangered species’ habitat. If we can confirm this, we agreed to do all we can to maintain an endangered mouse habitat!
2. Beekeeper Pam plans to purchase plant dye seeds and schedule dye workshops—indulging my inner hippie for psychedelic tie-dyes!
3. Margaret plans to respond to a request by St. Mark’s Lutheran Church (where we held our Volunteer Appreciation Party last month) for our assistance in working with seniors in their garden.
4. After Page completes the railing project, we plan to construct a garden bed table top near our entrance on relatively flat ground to make The Free Farm’s edible gardening activities more accessible to the seniors who visit our produce stand. If we build it, they will come!
5. Tree wants to obtain more seeds to give away seedlings so people can grow their own.
6. Tree mentioned that he’s received many requests from groups who want to volunteer at The Free Farm. Several school groups will join us during spring break next month, but he’s also had to turn away other groups. While it’s wonderful to host groups interested in urban farming, Tree noted that we need more workday leaders to accommodate requests to visit outside of our usual Wednesday and Saturday workdays.
7. To do all this and more, we are looking for volunteers to take on coordinator roles and/or join our grant writing team! If interested, please contact iamtree99@gmail.com. We really appreciate your support!
Meet some of our cool volunteers
1. Cook 1 lb. brown rice pasta.
2. Blanch 6 oz. wood ear Mushrooms. Drain and chop to bits.
3. Mix dressing ingredients: ½ cup unsalted peanut (Bean) butter + ¼ cup Bragg’s liquid aminos + 1 Tbsp sesame oil + Tbsp minced garlic + 1 Tbsp Chinese Five Spice + 1 Tbsp honey + 1 Tbsp water + ? rice vinegar + ? shaoxing rice wine (crunchy peanut butter got stuck in my blender so I kept adding unknown quantities of vinegar + wine to dilute dressing mix enough so blender could do its job)
4. Toss dressing into pasta, mushrooms, 1 cup chopped red-purple cabbage and chopped bunch of Green Onions.
5. Garnish with goji Berries + black sesame Seeds (whatever quantity as desired).
Back to work after wine + dine
Thanks for all that you do and see you next week!
Public Service Announcements:
Mon., Feb. 27, 2012, 7 pm TransitionSF Meeting: Why Label Genetically Engineered Foods?
The "Gazebo" at CPMC Davies Campus, 45 Castro St. between 14th & Duboce, SF 94114
Frank Plughoff and Liz Kroboth - Label GMOs SF coordinators - will be presenting at the February TransitionSF meeting to explain what genetically engineered foods are, what health and environmental concerns have come up around GE foods, and how the ballot initiative is addressing this issue. Please let us know if you want to help us gather signatures from attendees. Directions: From the Duboce Street entrance of California Pacifica Medical Center, follow the driveway in and curve around the building on your left onto a large patio area. The Gazebo is the glass-walled structure in front of you.
labelgmossf@gmail.com, http://www.labelgmos.org/lizkroboth/san_francisco_transitionsf_meeting_why_
Wed., Feb. 29, 2012, 7-8 pm The Art and Language of Flowers
Richmond Branch Library, 351 – 9th Ave. between Geary & Clement, SF
Join local florist and owner of Columbine Design, Kathleen Dooley, for a flower arranging demonstration. Learn about the meaning of flowers and how to convey messages with colors, shapes and flower types that go beyond what's written on the card. We will also talk about different cultural meanings of flowers and colors and have time to discuss our own favorite flowers.
Thurs., Mar. 1, 2012, 6-8 pm “Truck Farm” Presentation
Pacific Energy Center, 851 Howard St. at 4th St, SF
Presentation of "Truck Farm", a unique project that transformed an old pick-up truck into a traveling 20-member CSA enterprise. Using green-roof technology, lightweight soil and heirloom seeds, filmmakers Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis transformed granddad's '86 Dodge half-ton into a farm on wheels. They planted between the wheel wells with arugula and tomatoes, parked the truck on a Brooklyn street, and waited for sun and rain to work their charms. When the first sprouts came up, Truck Farm (truck-farm.com) was born. Subscribers received deliveries of produce, arriving via the mobile farm itself. Come and hear from the folks who made this happen. 6:30pm to 8pm (light refreshments at 6pm). Register online. http://www.pge.com/mybusiness/edusafety/training/pec/