We need the pollinators. They pollinate we eat.
The other pollinators we have are the human type that drop in our farm either to visit or to lend a hand. They bring stories to share of places they have been or where they have worked or played. I am always amazed how each week someone new arrives, an not just a someone, usually a beautiful someone, a someone with something inspiring to share, if not just themselves. I have trouble keeping up with all the names of our visitors, but I love them all and the riches they bring to the Free Farm.
Like all pollinators we need the human type too to help us grow our spiritual food and community. It is so sweet for us all to inspire each other.
our raspberries are coming in
One week it was like international day with visitors from Quebec, Italy, India, England, Virginia, and a few other places I can't remember. Last week a woman and her daughter came by, the mother visiting from Puerto Rico. Of course, often the conversation turns to plants and food and the mother and daughter shared some exotic fruit they like to eat from Puerto Rico. It is called Quenepa (Melicoccus bijugatus)and it is sort of like a lychee fruit, only it seems to have less flesh and a bigger seed. You have to suck the fruit more than eat it.
our last blessing circle at lunch included new visitors/farmer/beekeeper/family from Half Moon Bay and Jeanette from Peru who came to us via Pancho his the meditation Friday evenings
The Free Farm has been so off the hook with green beans, tomatoes, summer squash, strawberries, basil, and kale. The peak of all those foods has been reached as we move into fall. John from Alemany Farm has heroically taken on the greenhouse and seedling production, but just keeping the beds full with the next crop of plants has been a bit of a challenge.
I wrote about the Human Be in coming up in September over at our our blog for the Free Farm Stand, http://freefarmstand.org/.
I wrote:"Pancho and I are doing a skill share starting at 3pm on Friday at HANC recycling center and Kezar Gardens ” (at 2:300pm sitting in receptive silence…bring a cushion for your tush) called Creating Community Through Serving: Living without Conventional Currency; and Disobeying with Great Love. This will touch on how to start a sustainable Free Project and Doing things Free plus insights into Living with Little or no money plus…" Also I mentioned this article in the Chronicle that talks about the loss of Urban Farms in the city, and the Free Farm is on the list of farms to possibly go bye bye. http://www.sfbg.com/2012/08/21/farmville-real.
Instead of worrying about eviction which may take 2-3 years, we have a lot of farming work to do, so we continue to plant and grow soil. Please join us to share this wonderful opportunity to be of service in such a fun way. We continue to need people who want to learn farming and who can eventually take lead workdays. also, since we provide a vegan lunch for the volunteers, we can use more regular cooks.