Our small Free Farm Stand at the Free Farm looks good with more produce than usual
new potatoes on the right
My biggest excitement at the Free Farm these days is our compost. We have been making the most wonderful rich compost and adding to our beds when we plant. I have stopped picking up the vegetable scraps from Martin de Porres Soup Kitchen on the day I volunteer there, because it is a lot of work and I wonder if we can really move our soil or find a home for it when we leave.
I have been happy that we can help out the Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corporation people who are planting gardens in the Tenderloin (including the People's Garden that I visited and really liked. They are sharing our greenhouse and have planted many seedlings that will go into their gardens
We have been researching places where we might move to or places where we can work until we find a new home. I recently visited the Permaculture Guild garden on 18th and Rhode Island St. to see how that place is doing. The tree we planted are growing well and I saw my first pomegranate growing in the city. This is such a beautiful tree and the flower and fruit are lovely.
We have been researching places where we might move to or places where we can work until we find a new home. I recently visited the Permaculture Guild garden on 18th and Rhode Island St. to see how that place is doing. The tree we planted are growing well and I saw my first pomegranate growing in the city. This is such a beautiful tree and the flower and fruit are lovely.
The Free Farm got mentioned in the Bay Guardian last week in an article titled "Did the Hayes Valley Farm occupation help or hurt the cause of liberating urban space?"
http://www.sfbg.com/politics/2013/06/24/did-hayes-valley-farm-occupation-help-or-hurt-cause-liberating-urban-space. I am not sure if I should really recommend this article to people, but it did inspire me to write a long comment in reaction to reading it.
The next meeting of the San Francisco Urban Ag Alliance is meeting this Tuesday evening and I notice that one topic of discussion will be garden displacements in San Francisco, and the former Gezi Gardens (former Hayes Valley Farm) and the Free Farm are going to be discussed. Most of our core group will be meeting that night to talk about our move, but I think it could be an interesting discussion. Right now I am not sure what can be done about gardens/farms on temporary spots that have to leave.
Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Place: Global Exchange, 2017 Mission Street (@ 16th), 2nd Floor Conference Room
Please bring a favorite dish to share if you can! Treats from your garden are always especially appreciated.
Date: Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Time: 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Place: Global Exchange, 2017 Mission Street (@ 16th), 2nd Floor Conference Room
Please bring a favorite dish to share if you can! Treats from your garden are always especially appreciated.
Next Wednesday July 19th we are getting a visit from Assembly member Phil Ting, who is going around town visiting gardens and farms. He is the sponsor of AB 551, Urban agriculture that "Establishes an urban agriculture expansion program for counties to designate unused land parcels for small-scale food production, and make the farms financially feasible through lower property taxes." The bill is moving ahead in the legislature. I think this is a step in the right direction,giving landlords an tax incentive to temporarily lease or rent their vacant property for ten years. However, I think the problem is that we need more permanent spots to put gardens and farms. I also want to tell him I am all for urban agriculture, but there also has to be more attention paid to preserving and creating housing for very low income people. In most ways I see housing as a higher priority that urban agriculture, but I don't think we need to develop vacant land to get housing for poor folks. There ire plenty of vacant buildings that can house those who need housing, but the problem is we need the people and politicians that have the will to make things change.
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