Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Free Farm receives SFPT Innovator Award!

The Free Farm was one of the proud recipients of the 2010 San Francisco Parks Trust Innovator Award! We received $1500 in funds dedicated to building better tool storage and developing and installing a more extensive irrigation system. We're excited to move forward with this infrastructure so we can more efficiently operate the farm, and more easily host volunteers and lead groups and workshops.

Thanks SFPT, and congrats to the other Innovator Awards recipients!

Innovator Awards :: $20,000 for park projects

Innovator Awards honor Park Partners and other community-based organizations that are committed to improving their neighborhoods, parks or recreational programming in sustainable, forward-thinking ways. Awards are between $500 and $2000 for the purchase of equipment or site-improvements that will help increase park usership and strengthen programs. This year we awarded more than $20,000 to local groups.

Bay Area Ridge Trail, Lake Merced Measured Mile Project

Friends of Boeddeker Park, Tai Chi program

GreenTrust SF, 22nd Street bulb-out

Korean American Senior Services, Inc., Golden Gate Park Volunteer Program

Le Conte Mini Park, tree planting

MacCanDo Tenderloin Youth Track Club

Pennsylvania Gardens Project, 18th and Pennsylvania Garden

Produce to the People, Free Farm project

Progress Park

SF Lawn Bowling Club

SF Urban Riders, Upper Noe Youth Mountain Bike Program

Sutro Stewards, Rotary Meadow Habitat Restoration

Sunnyside Neighborhood Association, Circular Avenue greening

Visitacion Valley Greenway, Leland Avenue Improvement Project

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