Sunday, February 6, 2011

Love grows (where my rosemary goes)

Hello Free Farm Blog Readers! I'm Sophie, a sophomore at Lowell High School and one of the Garden for the Environment GetUp! graduates volunteering at the Free Farm.

Yesterday many of the 22 volunteers at The Free Farm were focused on putting some of the finishing touches on the green house. Tree, Page, Carmen, Kellen, Pancho and other hard-working volunteers installed more base work for the green house as well as windows. It has been really amazing to watch the progression of the green house over the past month. When I first came to volunteer at the Free Farm last December the patch of land where the green house now stands was just dirt. And now a month a later it houses many starters that will some day be given to customers of the Free Farm. Give a person some produce, feed them for a day. Give a person a seedling, start their gardening adventure.
Sophie, Stanley, Tree, Pancho & Hannah form gratitude circle
Transporting bags of soil
Installing new faucet
Lulu & Kris harvest fava leaves
Page sawing wood to frame greenhouse

The other volunteers worked on harvesting crops for our Free Farm stand. Some of these crops included tree collards and a variety of kale. My favorite parts of volunteering at the Free Farm has been working at the farm stand. To get ready for the farm stand we wash and weigh the produce. I am always astounded by the different types of produce and the amount harvested by sheer man power! While working at the farm stand I have met many wonderful people who share a love for this amazing garden in the middle of San Francisco. Many of the elderly neighbors stop regularly, taking produce and sharing what they plan to do with it. One regular customer in particular has shared her favorite recipes with me. She loves rosemary and this week my mother and I brought her a bunch from our front container garden. The look on her face when she saw the rosemary showed just how happy she was, she had been waiting for this rosemary for weeks.

Looking forward to next Saturday!
Free Farm Free Produce :-)
Watering plants
Starters in greenhouse
Purple tree collard leaves
Installing windows for greenhouse

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